Buffalo Millers in Eldoret, Kenya is the culmination of the hard work, dedication and savvy business instincts of Evans Killy, who has built his maize milling business into one of...
Jan Jordaan |
Roff brings you the R-40 Maize Mill range, boasting the same best-in-class extraction rates delivered by the R-70 and C-80 Mills. We’ve designed the R-40 for the entrepreneur who needs a streamlined, profitable and reliable mill based on proven technology with the flexibility to never miss a new market opportunity. Think compact, efficient design housed in multi-story frames featuring dust extraction and an offal collection line, and a milling capacity that will enable you to achieve success.
The R-40 Maize Milling Plant is built using proven equipment (MK-6 platform), guaranteeing exceptional performance. It achieves an extraction rate* of about 69 to 74% (Super/Grade 1), or 80 to 85% for special maize meal (refined) – allowing you to produce and/or export both these products with ease**.
*Maize quality dependent
**Country dependent
The R-40 mill range has a small footprint between 117m² and 137m². It comes with a support structure, so no special structure or building is required. The only condition is that the roof should be at least 7 metres high. Standard industrial concrete floors will suffice; no special flooring is required.
2 to 3 tons per hour
Top Quality Maize Meal
The R-40 Edge Mill is configured to produce top quality maize meal at best-in-class extraction rates.
3 tons per hour
Graded Samp + Maize Meal
The R-40 Samp Mill is configured to achieve a high percentage of samp output while milling the remaining out-of-spec product into maize meal.
3 tons per hour
Brewers Grits or Snack Grits + Maize Meal
The R-40 Grit Mill is a compact and powerful milling system offering dual-function capability, producing both high-quality maize meal as well as grits.
This includes the mill, final product bins, electrical panels, installation, commissioning, training, and delivery.
(*Edge and Samp mill only)
Roff offers a turnkey solution that includes the mill, final product bins, panels, electrical installation and commissioning, training and and delivery.
Turnaround time is estimated at 2 to 6 months from order. The installation can be completed within 3 weeks.
You have the option to switch between first and second grade maize meal.
The simplicity of the system makes it easy to use and no formal training is required to operate the system. In most cases an operator can be trained in a week on the operation of the essential processes.
Visits can be scheduled with qualified Roff technicians for regular maintenance. The R-40’s built-in maintenance floors make maintenance a breeze by providing technicians with enough space and easy access to different sections of the mill.
If you need a higher capacity mill, have a look at the Roff R-70 or C-80, with capacities of 4 or 5 tons per hour, respectively. Both produce exceptional quality maize meal at Roff’s best-in-class extraction rates.
Buffalo Millers in Eldoret, Kenya is the culmination of the hard work, dedication and savvy business instincts of Evans Killy, who has built his maize milling business into one of...
Jan Jordaan |
Widely used by the food and brewing industry in a varying range of products, maize grits can unlock a lucrative business opportunity for millers. Roff Milling offers various maize mills...
Koot Jordaan |
Droughts in Africa are not just isolated events; they often occur in cycles, influenced by phenomena like El Niño. The continent faces various natural disasters, including floods, earthquakes, and wildfires,...
Jan Jordaan |
Yes, we ship to all countries in sub-Saharan Africa and other African countries.
It depends on where you are and how many orders we have in our queue, but the R-40 can normally be shipped in 3 - 6 months from order. Delivery details will be confirmed on order.
Yes, we give introductory training during commissioning.
No, the mill was designed so that a technically-minded person could operate and maintain it.
No, but we will provide you or your lender with all the information needed.